Friday, November 7, 2008


Today I was faced with the comment that Kailyn was lucky to have me. I sat and thought about it a little bit and realized I am the lucky (blessed) one. Alot of people say that after they have a child they do not remember not having one. I have to say I always thought that these people were blowing smoke, but after the last 6 weeks I can honestly say that i would never go back to not having my beautiful Kailyn even with the dirty diapers, late night feedings, and her being a grump some days. As soon as she looks at me with those deep blue eyes and smiles at me, I forget the fact that I smell of spit up and my house is a mess because she decided she didn't want to be put down. Even right now as she is sleeping, I look at her and think why did God bless me with such a wonderful gift.

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