Sunday, December 13, 2009


What some people don't know about me, I babysit for an 8 month old 4 days a week as well as have my business. I have trying really hard to get everything done. I have some fabric for some rag quilts that I am going to try to work on in the next couple of weeks. I have some really cute ladybug fabric and some really cute little boy prints.


I leave for Vacation on Thursday. I am so excited. I will get to see most of my family. There will be three of my parents 6 grandchildren there and they are the youngest of the six. It will be Kailyn who is 14 months, Elias who is turning 1 on December 23rd, and Levi who is 7 months (I think). It should be a blast, but we will be missing Lucy (3 1/2), Jacob (almost 15), and Akeela (12). It just won't be the same without them. I will of course miss my brother and his wife Mel. Life will hopefully slow down a little this week, so I can pack. The church had its Christmas cantata tonight and last night. It went really well. Our church secretary Bonnie does a great job. It was entitled Christmas at Home. It was about the civil war and a young boy that becomes injured and dies. It really was great. In fact, there will be a DVD of it available.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It is almost Christmas

Today is Dec 9th. I am so excited. I have only 8 days left til vacation. I get to be with my family for two whole weeks. It is so hard living so far away from them.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving project

FOr Thanksgiving I made these little Turkey place card holders that were super easy to create. They are 1 inch tall terra cotta pots, Styrofoam for the head and maple leaves for the tail. Then I found a great calligrapher ( on etsy to make the place cards, she did a wonderful job.


So, It is Christmas Time again. It is so hard to believe that this past year has gone by so quickly. My business has really slowed down the past week. It was nice. It allowed me to get ready for Thanksgiving. Chads parents were here as well as his Grandparents and sister and husband. Needless to say, Our 1200 sq. ft house was packed with people. I can hardly wait for Christmas. I leave for Vacation on the 17th, and Chad will follow on the 24th. Tonight we are going to colonial Williamsburg for 2 days. It will be a very short little vacation. Hopefully it will be warm enough to get a little site seeing done as well as just relax as a family.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Summer has been flying by and I can not believe that next week is August. Chad and I also will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary next week. Kailyn is growing so quickly. Today she is 10 months old and it seems like just yesterday Chad and I were discussing becoming pregnant. I have no idea what i used to do everyday without her. I know I say this alot, but God blessed me with the most wonderful little girl. She amazes me each and everyday with something new that she can do. I try to cherish everyday and not look forward to things that she can do tomorrow. We took a nap together on the recliner today, something we have not done since she was a month or so old, I had forgot how wonderful it was to just snuggle up and fall asleep looking at the face of a little person so dependent on you. Anyways, enough about that. Chad, Kailyn, and I will be taking the teenagers down to The Wilds on Monday for a week of camp. Should be a very busy week, but good.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow it has been awhile since I have been on here. A lot has happened. Kailyn started crawling last week. The funny thing was that it was toward the tv remote. what does that say about what we do during the day? Life has been speeding by and I cant believe that it is almost May. I can hardly wait til vacation. some days i just want to sit and stop, because of our packed schedule. My flowers are blooming outside and it is my favorite time of year, if only the weeds didnt try to take over. I just want to sit outside and sunbathe, but havent had the time yet, mabye tomorrow.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am having a rough day today. For the last year and 2 months we have had Gideon, a dachshund/min pin mix. He was my constant companion. I went and picked him up when he was 3 months old. Gideon resembled a deer, long legs itty bitty body. He is smart adn picked up on potty training quickly. I love him so very much, but he is having a hard time coping with Kailyn. He seemed to be doing okay until I came back from Vacation. He wouldn't listen to me and he nipped me and I started to worry for Kailyn when she starts to walks his grunge against her would prove unsafe. So I made the decision to give him up to a family that had more time for him and could give him everything that he needed that I was no longer able to give. A family called lasted night that were looking for a playmate for their 1 1/2 year old beagle, a perfect fit for Gideon. So today is my last day with him and I am having a hard time. I feel like I have given up on him. However I know it is the best for him. I am going to miss him.
