Friday, July 24, 2009


Summer has been flying by and I can not believe that next week is August. Chad and I also will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary next week. Kailyn is growing so quickly. Today she is 10 months old and it seems like just yesterday Chad and I were discussing becoming pregnant. I have no idea what i used to do everyday without her. I know I say this alot, but God blessed me with the most wonderful little girl. She amazes me each and everyday with something new that she can do. I try to cherish everyday and not look forward to things that she can do tomorrow. We took a nap together on the recliner today, something we have not done since she was a month or so old, I had forgot how wonderful it was to just snuggle up and fall asleep looking at the face of a little person so dependent on you. Anyways, enough about that. Chad, Kailyn, and I will be taking the teenagers down to The Wilds on Monday for a week of camp. Should be a very busy week, but good.

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