Friday, July 9, 2010

The secret I am keeping from the world

So I am 27 weeks pregnant today. I am very excited, but that is not what I am going to write about. Today, I was at the store and someone asked me how old my daughter was and I responded with "21 months." Then, I was asked when I was going to start thinking about having another one. I quickly bit my tongue from the all too common practice of a sarcastic comment and replied, well I am 27 weeks pregnant. To my amazement, the lady goes on to say how small I am and asks me if my baby was healthy and growing alright. One, it is no business of hers and two, really, really, you ask a pregnant lady is her baby is okay. If something was wrong, do you really think that a pregnant lady could keep it together to answer such a question as that. I know that and I am a very non-emotional person pregnant or not. Also, on Sunday, I had a lady say to me, "How to you keep so little when you are pregnant, when I was 7 months pregnant I was huge." Well, you know I have this secret that I have been keeping from the ladies of the world on how to be pregnant and not really look pregnant. My plan is to finish out this pregnancy and then sell my secret to the world. That's what I should have said, but instead, I said, "I don't know, just how I am built I guess." If only people knew what was actually going through my head. I think that I should install some kind of screen on my forehead that shows my thoughts. Well there is my rant for the day. I have to say I know there are pregnant woman out there that are very uncomfortable and have big beautiful bellies that wish that they were small, but we all get stupid comments big or small. People will never think before they speak. Just keep in mind Thumper's mantra, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

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