Friday, July 9, 2010

The secret I am keeping from the world

So I am 27 weeks pregnant today. I am very excited, but that is not what I am going to write about. Today, I was at the store and someone asked me how old my daughter was and I responded with "21 months." Then, I was asked when I was going to start thinking about having another one. I quickly bit my tongue from the all too common practice of a sarcastic comment and replied, well I am 27 weeks pregnant. To my amazement, the lady goes on to say how small I am and asks me if my baby was healthy and growing alright. One, it is no business of hers and two, really, really, you ask a pregnant lady is her baby is okay. If something was wrong, do you really think that a pregnant lady could keep it together to answer such a question as that. I know that and I am a very non-emotional person pregnant or not. Also, on Sunday, I had a lady say to me, "How to you keep so little when you are pregnant, when I was 7 months pregnant I was huge." Well, you know I have this secret that I have been keeping from the ladies of the world on how to be pregnant and not really look pregnant. My plan is to finish out this pregnancy and then sell my secret to the world. That's what I should have said, but instead, I said, "I don't know, just how I am built I guess." If only people knew what was actually going through my head. I think that I should install some kind of screen on my forehead that shows my thoughts. Well there is my rant for the day. I have to say I know there are pregnant woman out there that are very uncomfortable and have big beautiful bellies that wish that they were small, but we all get stupid comments big or small. People will never think before they speak. Just keep in mind Thumper's mantra, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Twin Bed

So, Kailyn has always been a little monkey. Ever since she was born, she has been climbing and o so eager to grow up. Well, around Christmas I had noticed that my little monkey had the ability to get out of her crib, and yes, it was on the lowest setting. Anyhow, I was just waiting for her to make an escape before I did anything about it. Well, it happened on Tuesday. I put the little monkey in her crib for a nap and next thing I know, I can hear her door knob turning. Panic ensued. How can I make her room safe? and do it all by myself while watching her? Well, I gated off the upstairs and let her roam up there while I went to her room and cleaned. I moved her crib to the far corner, because of course it would not fit out the door without being dismantled. Next, I went into the spare room and grabbed the twin mattress and hoped that I had made a big enough spot in her little room for the bed. I laid it on the floor and it was a perfect fit. To my dismay I realized that I didn't even have sheets for the bed. Well, I had sheets but they were blue striped which would not match the pink and purple theme that I had in Kailyn's room. So I packed the munchkin up in the car and off we went to target to look for sheets. Of course, we also looked at kid clothes and found some really good deals on some 3,6,9month boy pjs so we got them. We finally made it to the sheet aisle. Kailyn picked out some hot pink sheets. We came home washed them and finished fixing up her room. As so far so good, she loves sleeping on her twin bed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, Many know that I had to have a c-section with my dearest daughter, Kailyn. I Just don't know why everyone looks down upon c-sections. Yes, Sometimes they are necessary. There have been several days in the last 20 months that I have cried over her c-section, specially lately since I am looking down the barrel of another c-section. Anyways, I am so sick of people's comments that say that there are no medical reasons for a c-section. These people need to realize that they do no know everything and sometimes they just need to shut up. I am no less of a woman because my daughter was born via c-section. With my next child, I refuse to be ashamed of my c-section. and in the words of a bratty little girl in a old Shirlry Temple movie, "You wanna know Why?" (and no not because I'm going to kill her) But because I am a great mother and nobody can tell me any different. Thanks for listening to my little rant, because it needed to be said.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am the worst blogger in the world. I just can never remember to write on here. What is going on here??? Well, I leave for vacation in 10 days. I am super excited. I get to help my parents pack up their house and move closer to me. Right now, my parents live 10-12 hours away and if you hit Chicago at the wrong time, It could add a couple more hours. They are moving to be 6 hours away with no major cities in between. To say that I am excited would be an understatement. Now if we could only get my husbands family to move south it would be great. Also, It is going to be my nieces 1st birthday. I am working on a twin size rag quilt for her. I hope to have it most of the way done before I leave, or at least all sewn because i can always rag it once I am there. I am also faced with a conundrum, to close the shop or to keep it open and let customers know that the items will not be shipped til such and such a date. (Let me know what you think)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pins and Needles

Already, I know everyone is on pins and needles. My appointment went great. I had never had a trans-vaginal ultrasound before. With Kailyn, the only ultrasound I had was at 19 weeks and then a 3/D one that evening to find out gender. The heartbeat of this little peanut was 164bpm. The tech said the peanut was around 2cm long and you could just watch this little heart beating so quickly and strong. God truly is amazing.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Anyways, as only a few people know. I am pregnant again. We are not telling people until we know everything is alright. I am so very excited. This Friday, I get to have an ultrasound to date the pregnancy. So far I have been feeling pretty good. I do have a bit of morning sickness but as I tel my husband, I knew what I was getting into when we decided to get pregnant. Also, there are so many people out there that would love to be pregnant so there is no reason to complain. There are only 5 more days til Friday.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pillowcase Dress

And No it is not made from a Pillowcase. I was looking at some boutiques and things last night and saw pillowcase dresses and noticed the price was not what I was willing to pay. So, I decided I would try to make one. So i went and looked through my fabric and found this gorgeous big print that I have been holding onto for awhile, like 4 years. So I made my own pattern and went to town. It did take a little bit to figure it out,because I had never worked with binding before let alone making my own binding, but it turned out pretty well. I may start selling them in my store. but it will probably be a week or two until i get them up. Here is a picture.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I think being organized is very important, and I have been very lax lately on putting things away neatly. Yesterday while I was at Micheals (I am there probably twice a week) I noticed that all of their baskets were 50% off. So, I was able to pick up some really cute cloth type baskets for $6.50, I purchased six for my laundry area as well as three for my office. So today is the day to start getting things once again organized.
