Sunday, December 13, 2009


I leave for Vacation on Thursday. I am so excited. I will get to see most of my family. There will be three of my parents 6 grandchildren there and they are the youngest of the six. It will be Kailyn who is 14 months, Elias who is turning 1 on December 23rd, and Levi who is 7 months (I think). It should be a blast, but we will be missing Lucy (3 1/2), Jacob (almost 15), and Akeela (12). It just won't be the same without them. I will of course miss my brother and his wife Mel. Life will hopefully slow down a little this week, so I can pack. The church had its Christmas cantata tonight and last night. It went really well. Our church secretary Bonnie does a great job. It was entitled Christmas at Home. It was about the civil war and a young boy that becomes injured and dies. It really was great. In fact, there will be a DVD of it available.

1 comment:

Laura said...

you have 3 parents???
