Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, Many know that I had to have a c-section with my dearest daughter, Kailyn. I Just don't know why everyone looks down upon c-sections. Yes, Sometimes they are necessary. There have been several days in the last 20 months that I have cried over her c-section, specially lately since I am looking down the barrel of another c-section. Anyways, I am so sick of people's comments that say that there are no medical reasons for a c-section. These people need to realize that they do no know everything and sometimes they just need to shut up. I am no less of a woman because my daughter was born via c-section. With my next child, I refuse to be ashamed of my c-section. and in the words of a bratty little girl in a old Shirlry Temple movie, "You wanna know Why?" (and no not because I'm going to kill her) But because I am a great mother and nobody can tell me any different. Thanks for listening to my little rant, because it needed to be said.
