Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am the worst blogger in the world. I just can never remember to write on here. What is going on here??? Well, I leave for vacation in 10 days. I am super excited. I get to help my parents pack up their house and move closer to me. Right now, my parents live 10-12 hours away and if you hit Chicago at the wrong time, It could add a couple more hours. They are moving to be 6 hours away with no major cities in between. To say that I am excited would be an understatement. Now if we could only get my husbands family to move south it would be great. Also, It is going to be my nieces 1st birthday. I am working on a twin size rag quilt for her. I hope to have it most of the way done before I leave, or at least all sewn because i can always rag it once I am there. I am also faced with a conundrum, to close the shop or to keep it open and let customers know that the items will not be shipped til such and such a date. (Let me know what you think)
